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7 Ways To Avoid Diseases

    It’s no secret that diseases are rampant throughout the world. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, more than 300 million people suffer from chronic respiratory problems, and 1.7 million people die each year as a result of preventable illnesses. However, there are many ways to avoid diseases, and by following some simple precautions, you can significantly reduce your risk of getting sick. Washing your hands regularly is one of the most important things you can do to stay healthy, along with eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise. This article will cover a few more things you can do to keep yourself from contracting a debilitating illness.

    Eating A Healthy Diet

    Many diseases are the result of malnutrition and vitamin deficiency. To avoid these illnesses, make sure your body gets essential vitamins by eating a balanced diet. A healthy diet should consist of foods from all five food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy products. Make sure to eat a variety of foods from all five groups, as too much of any one food type can cause health problems. Eating at least one serving from each group every day will ensure you get the proper nutrients to keep your immune system strong. Studies show that those who eat at least one serving of fruits and vegetables daily reduce their risk for chronic conditions like heart disease and cancer.

    Avoiding Unnecessary Close Contact With People

    Not all people are carriers of disease. However, some people are more likely to get sick because they don’t know how to take proper precautions when around others who may be ill or contagious. When you’re in public places like the grocery store or on public transportation, make sure you keep a reasonable distance from other people to avoid contact with potential germs. Avoid sharing drinks and eating utensils because if someone else’s saliva comes in contact with your food or drink, you could get a disease. Also, try not to sit next to anyone who looks ill because it can be very easy for someone who is sick without knowing it to infect dozens of other people during flu season.

    Exercise Regularly

    Exercise strengthens the immune system to help it ward off disease. Even just a basic daily walk can significantly impact your health. Make sure you get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day for optimal health. Exercise will lower your stress levels, improve your circulation, and keep you in shape, so you don’t gain too much weight over time, putting extra stress on your heart. When doing any physical activity, it’s important to use good breathing techniques. Proper breathing helps oxygen circulate through the body, which helps fight disease by delivering nutrients where they are needed most and carrying waste away from the body.

    Getting Enough Sleep

    When you don’t get enough sleep, your immune system doesn’t have time to recover, so it becomes weaker over time. This makes it harder for your body to fight off illnesses. Adults should get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. However, even if you get the proper amount of rest every night, you can still become sick if your sleep is constantly interrupted by illness or injury. To ensure uninterrupted sleep at night, maintain a regular sleeping schedule free from alcohol consumption or loud noises before bedtime. Also, make sure that your bedroom is dark with comfortable temperature control ideal for sleeping. 

    Avoiding Processed Foods

    Although many processed, prepackaged foods are advertised as healthy and full of nutrients, they contain harmful chemicals and toxins. These can cause inflammation in the body, making it harder for your immune system to fight off diseases. Make sure you read all food labels before buying packaged products at the grocery store to see if they contain any ingredients that could potentially be bad for your health. When cooking with fresh produce and meats from the supermarket, make sure you wash them thoroughly with clean water. 

    Quit Smoking

    If you are a smoker, quitting right away will make the biggest difference in helping your body fight off disease. According to research, smoking can contribute to numerous life-threatening medical conditions, including cardiovascular diseases. Smoking cigarettes over time causes damage to your lungs and respiratory system, making it harder for oxygen to reach all parts of the body, leading to many other health problems that could be fatal.


    These simple daily habits can significantly reduce the risk of getting sick and taking medication. Next time someone in your family comes down with a cold or virus, these preventative measures will help ensure that you are not affected by their illness.