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How To Get Started On A Keto Diet

    Are you confused about starting a keto diet? A diet with low carbs and high fat can seem very attractive but is hard to follow. Also, it can bring a drastic change in your current diet plan. But this diet has proved to be beneficial in losing weight and controlling type 2 diabetes. 

    How a Ketogenic Diet Works

    A diet where there is a high intake of fats and a low intake of carbohydrates. It takes a different macronutrient approach to force the human body to depend on fat for energy rather than sugar and carbs. This process is referred to as ketogenesis. 

    This Is A Moderate-Protein Diet

    Is this a common misconception that the consumption of protein is not monitored in this diet? But this is not true. Along with carbs intake, protein intake is also watched. Protein consumption should be moderate. Protein breaks down into glucose, and therefore excessive protein intake can cause your body to snap out of ketosis.

    Benefits Of Keto Diet

    There are few benefits of the keto diet, but it has not been proven that it is better than the calorie control method. Its best benefit is that cutting carbs from the diet eliminates many food options, mainly processed foods, drinks, and desserts full of added sugar and preservatives. This makes it very easy to cut calories automatically.

    The macro ratios of a ketogenic diet favor more considerable, decadent, and savory foods that are much more desirable for those who dislike traditional diet products. And ultimately, it means that the more you enjoy the food you eat, the more likely you are to stick to your eating plan and get results.

    Side Effects Of Keto Diet

    There is one significant side effect to be prepared for is keto flu. It refers to the time after you begin dieting as your body gets used to burning fat instead of carbs for energy. During the first week, feeling extremely lethargic in the extremities is normal. Climbing the stairs can seem impossible. In addition, Keto often causes constipation, brain fog, or possibly diarrhea due to changes in fiber intake. You should take it easy with a workout for the first week or two as your body gets used to burning more fat than carbohydrates for fuel.

    Determine Your Fitness Goal

    Before starting any diet, the first step should always be to identify your “why” or main goal. This will determine your nutritional needs and advance your focus. And how to tell if your hard work is paying off. There are four main reasons someone might consider changing their diet, and not all are Keto safe: 

      • Weight loss: Losing weight or losing fat is the number one reason people consider trying the ketogenic diet. If your goal is weight loss then, maintaining a calorie deficit is your top priority.
      • Improved performance:  Fat can be a valuable and abundant source of energy that many athletes love to use. For precisely this reason, the keto diet is also used to improve performance and endurance in athletes and those who need constant explosive strength or frequent high-intensity training. Nutrient timing and adequate energy delivery are the primary focus of this goal, and performance progress can be measured using fitness goals or assessing metabolic efficiency.
      • Improved health: Health is not always a primary goal of ketogenic diets unless health improves with weight loss. A ketogenic diet is quite restrictive, and consuming large amounts of vitamins and minerals (micronutrients) can be challenging.
      • Muscle building: Building muscle is essentially a weight gain, and Keto is not always the ideal place to start for everyone. Also, given the beneficial roles carbohydrates play in exercise and muscle recovery, a ketogenic diet may not be the best to build muscle.

    Calculate Your Keto Macronutrients

    While your calorie control will have the most significant impact on your weight, understanding your ketogenic macros is still pretty critical to your success. Reaching your carbohydrate goal every day is critical, especially if you are trying to get into ketosis. The ketogenic diet follows strict macronutrient goals, including high fat intake and deficient carbohydrate intake. The breakdown is as follows:

      • Fat: 70% of calories
      • Protein: 
      • 25% of calories 
      • Carbohydrates: 
      • 5% of calories 

    However, the ideal macro ratio is not the same for everyone, and it depends more on your physical condition, metabolic efficiency, and other individual considerations.

    Plan Your Keto Menu

    The Keto diet emphasizes mainly higher fat intake and low carbohydrate intake. This can make meal planning a challenge, as many carbohydrate-rich foods such as cereals, slices of bread, starchy vegetables, and fruits are not considered suitable for the ketogenic diet.  Additionally, carbohydrates tend to make up the bulk of most people’s diets, which means finding a ketogenic alternative or changing your attitude towards food, in general, is difficult for any person. So, some of the best staples for any ketogenic diet should include healthy carbohydrate substitutes. It is essential to keep your diet under control. Most of your ketogenic diet should consist of food items that are nutrient-dense, low-carb, high-quality protein, and healthy fats to ensure you get the right balance and a good overall diet that will keep you active. Once you begin to understand the diet behind your food choices, you will likely find that almost ALL plant foods contain carbohydrates. However, you can use a bit of dietary hack instead of giving up all the precious herbal health products, you can use a little dietary hack.  Keto does not mean carb-free. And not all carbohydrates are the same. So when counting carbs in Keto, you should also pay attention to how much fiber you are consuming.  Fiber is a carb that the human body cannot easily absorb (which means that it does not affect insulin level or blood sugar the way sugar does). However, it can be subtracted by observing a controlled carbohydrate intake.

    Drink Bulletproof Coffee

    Drinking bulletproof is the best way to control hunger in between two meals. It would keep your hunger controlled, giving you enough time to make your next meal. 

    Suppose you suffer from heart disease or have a family history of this disease. In that case, you should consult a doctor about this drink, as coconut oil can increase bad cholesterol in your body. 

    Stick To Your Goals

    Designing a keto menu is only half the battle. Your progress is the result of perseverance. That means you have to stick to your diet plan for more than a couple of weeks. But following your diet is not based on sheer willpower but rather on developing healthy habits and routines that will be successful. That includes making healthy choices easier and adding some friction to less healthy habits. Plus, it doesn’t require you to be perfect on your ketogenic diet to be effective. It’s possible to do a keto cheat day or get off course and still see progress as long as you stick to and consistently work on your calorie goals. Learning to set SMART goals and develop better habits can go a long way in supporting all your hard work.

    Have An After Plan

    A ketogenic diet is not a diet forever. It is designed for the short term and is not meant to be a long-term weight loss solution.  Some people go on a keto diet several times a year. A ketogenic diet attempts to change these bad habits, but you risk falling back into your old habits after dieting. The ultimate goal should be “to change diet to a healthier pattern of eating less pasta, less bread, less sugar, and less flour” and more non-starchy vegetables.


    With the keto diet gaining popularity, many versions of it have come up. One of them is plant-based “ketotarian.” While this approach may be healthy, it does not allow the consumption of beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds because of their high carb content. It leaves with limited options like tofu and low-carb protein powder. It puts extreme restrictions and does not satisfy the sustainable nutrition needs of the body.  Also, people with medical conditions like those who take insulin (whether oral or through injections), people with high blood pressure or high sugar levels should avoid the keto diet or consult a doctor. People suffering from gastrointestinal issues should also think twice before starting a low fiber keto diet because constipation has a major side effect. This diet can be restrictive, allowing only eggs, dairy products, and nuts. Diet for people suffering from gastrointestinal issues is already limited, so the keto diet would make it more restrictive and hard to follow.