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7 Natural Ways To Manage Asthma Symptoms

    With breathing being such an integral part of life -and indeed health- it’s essential to find ways to effectively manage its effects whenever possible. For those who have asthma, managing symptoms can be difficult and troublesome. Thankfully, there are natural remedies that you can use to help control your asthma symptoms without having to rely solely on medications or inhalers. This article will explore some of the various options available for naturally managing your asthma and empower you with knowledge so that you can choose the proper methods for you!

    What Is Asthma And How Does It Occur?

    Asthma is a chronic condition involving the airways of the person, primarily those leading to and from the lungs. It’s classified as a respiratory disorder marked by periodic episodes of difficulty breathing due to inflammation and narrowing. In mild cases, this can cause coughing and wheezing; in more severe cases, a full asthma attack may be encountered, potentially life-threatening. The occurrence of asthma is thought to be caused by pollutants in the environment as well as genetic predisposition.

    Treatment is typically done with long-term controller medications and short-term relievers used during an attack. However, for many people, there may be no warning signs before an episode making it even more essential to receive proper medical attention if asthma is suspected or diagnosed.

    Natural Ways To Manage Asthma Symptoms

    Believe it or not, there are many natural ways to help manage the effects of asthma. Here are some of the most effective methods:

    Avoid Triggers


    Living with asthma can be difficult, especially when dangerous triggers are all around you. Many allergens, smoke, and even stress have the potential to set off an attack. Taking the time to reduce exposure to such triggers can help you stay healthy and make life much more manageable. An easy fix is keeping your environment clean of dust mites, pet dander, and other substances that can worsen asthma symptoms. 

    Additionally, reducing or completely avoiding smoking and secondhand smoke will help minimize the risks of experiencing an asthma attack.

    If the outdoor air quality isn’t great or you’re in a situation where there are a lot of airborne particles (construction), wearing a mask may benefit your sensitive lungs. Managing asthma takes effort, but these preventative steps can go a long way in helping you avoid an undesirable reaction.

    Breathing Exercises


    Deep breathing exercises provide several benefits to managing asthma symptoms and overall lung health. Diaphragmatic breathing, in particular, encourages slow deep breaths that expand the abdomen rather than only the chest. This fuller breath can help reduce feelings of air shortage and relax the bronchial muscles. It can also increase blood oxygen levels and reduce heart rate, which helps counter wheezing episodes.

    Pursed-lip breathing is another valuable technique to use during an episode of asthma because it helps you expel more air from your lungs, decreasing how much extra effort is needed to get a full breath; this also keeps airways open longer for better airflow. Incorporating regular breathing exercises into your daily routine will help prepare you to skillfully manage any further asthma setbacks safely and healthily.

    Herbal Remedies


    Although asthma often requires medication to prevent and manage symptoms, certain herbal remedies can relieve shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, and other asthma-related issues. Herbs such as ginger, turmeric, and eucalyptus contain natural anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation in the airways. The most common ways people use these herbs to relieve their asthma symptoms are by drinking herbal teas or using essential oils.

    Additionally, some research shows that folk remedies like raw garlic juice may benefit those suffering from asthma. While it’s important to talk to your doctor before beginning any new treatment plan, several options are available for those seeking natural ways to manage their asthma symptoms.

    Salt Therapy


    Using salt therapy as a way to manage asthma symptoms is an increasingly popular natural remedy, especially in spas and wellness centers. Inhalation of salt particles, or halotherapy, reduces airway inflammation and improves overall lung function. People have used it for centuries as a trusted way to help cope with chronic respiratory issues, ranging from simple allergies to full-blown asthma attacks or persistent bronchitis.

    While it will not replace traditional approaches for severe cases when serious medical attention is required, those who have experienced it often report reduced congestion, decreased coughing bouts, and improved breathing quality. Therefore, advocates are proposing salt therapy as an additional treatment method that may help people with milder forms of asthma control their symptoms more effectively.



    If you have asthma, regular exercise can be challenging yet highly beneficial to manage your symptoms. While some people may worry that physical activity could trigger an attack, the fact is that regular exercise can strengthen the respiratory system and reduce the severity of asthma symptoms.

    The key is to find activities that challenge you but don’t over-tax your breathing – start slowly with low-impact yoga or swimming, then gradually increase the intensity as you become stronger and more confident. Not only will this improve your lung function overall, but it can also help build endurance, so you get more out of each workout session.



    Smart dietary choices can reduce or prevent many of the detrimental health effects associated with asthma. Eating fresh, unprocessed foods such as fruits and vegetables can help your body reduce inflammation and improve overall lung function. The role of sugar in exacerbating asthma symptoms should not be overlooked either; avoiding sugary foods and drinks can minimize both long-term and short-term breathing difficulties.

    Making an effort to incorporate whole grains into your diet is also beneficial for your general health. A nutritious, balanced diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is the best way to manage asthma symptoms naturally.


    Acupuncture is a form of alternative therapy that has been effectively used for centuries to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain, but more recently, its application has been extended to managing symptoms of asthma. The treatment involves inserting thin needles into the skin at specific acupressure points, which helps open blockages and relieves physical and mental stress.

    Studies have shown that acupuncture can help reduce muscle spasms due to bronchoconstriction and improve lung capacity in people with asthma. Although there is still inconclusive evidence of this ancient practice’s long-term effectiveness, it remains a promising natural way to manage asthma symptoms.

    Use These Natural Method To Manage Your Asthma Symptoms Today!

    In conclusion, there are many natural ways to manage your asthma symptoms, and many people find them helpful in improving their breathing quality and overall health. However, it’s important to remember that these methods alone cannot replace traditional medical treatments for more severe cases. Before beginning any new treatment plan, always talk to your doctor first for advice and guidance.

    With a better understanding of your condition, you’ll be better equipped to incorporate the above natural methods into an effective asthma management plan that works for you!